2015 Downtown decorating contest winner is….

Prairie Road Junqtique!!! A special thank you to the many businesses that participated in our downtown business decorating contest.  Our downtown looked so beautiful because of all our small business owners.  Next year we hope to have an even … [Read more]

Hit the Bricks Event!!

Join us downtown Saturday, September 12th from 10am to 5pm for Sidewalk Sales, Art and Music!!! Buddy Holly tribute will be doing a live performance in front of the Lyceum at 1:30pm!!! Art murals will be  painted on the walls at 4th and Main by the … [Read more]

Ceremonial Groundbreaking!

Today was the ceremonial groundbreaking for the 417 Gidding Street building in downtown Clovis! This adaptive reuse and renovation project will soon be the home of the Curry County Administration building!! … [Read more]